Saturday, October 22, 2011

 I think for us, kissing is pretty much like an opening act, y'know?

I mean it's like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through..

before Pink Floyd comes out.

Yeah, and-and it's not that we don't like the comedian

it's that-that... that's not why we bought the ticket.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pheebs? You think it would be okay if I asked out your sister?

Why? Why would you wanna... do that? Why?

So that if we went out on a date, she'd be there.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"We all know the classic scene from cartoons. The cat reaches a precipice but it goes on walking, ignoring the fact that there is nothing beneath this ground. Only when it looks down and notices it, it falls down. This is what we are doing here. We are telling the guys there on Wall Street, “Hey, look down!”

- Slavoj Zizek, at Occupy Wall Street 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

And I thought that if he wanted me, 
even if it was only for one night, 

 I was ready to give up everything. You, Helena, 
my whole fucking future, everything.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

i feel sorry for guys packed into gyms trying to look like how Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger said they should.

is that what a man looks like?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Son, a woman is like a beer. They smell good, they look

 good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one!

 But you can't stop at one. You wanna drink another 


-Homer Simpson

Saturday, September 24, 2011

See when you flirt with a guy you think, "I'm just flirting, no big deal."

But the guy is thinking, "Finally! Somebody who wants to sleep with me!"

No way!

It's true.

Well that's pathetic!

Again true.

 And this goes for all guys?

All guys that are awake. 

Then we go to sleep and then all the guys from the other end of the world wake up and behave the exact same way.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

And you wrote a card 

"From Gavin" 

 I really mean it. 

Awww, awww, it's beautiful. 

If you don't mind, let me

Well, what do you know, it fits! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aright, your money is mine Green.

Your fly is open Geller!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

ٌWhat do women want?

Okay, just tell me this: Did you or did you not smell her hair? 

Smell her hair? What if I did?

90% of a women's pheromones come out the top of her head! That's why... that's why women are shorter. 

So that men will fall in love when they hug them! Come on Ross, you're a scientist!
